Secondary consultation on initial constituency proposals now closed
The Boundary Commission for England has now closed its secondary consultation on new constituency boundaries. The consultation, which launched on 22 February and concluded on 4 April 2022, invited members of the public to have their say on the changes proposed for their area. As part of the consultation, the Commission held 32 public hearings across the country to allow people to provide their views in person.
Read a blog from the Secretary to the Commission, Tim Bowden, to find out more about the secondary consultation and what happens next.
Over the course of the consultation period, the Commission has received over 9,500 written representations, as well as over 1,000 provided at public hearings around England. We are grateful to those who took the time to submit their views, whether online or in person.
The Commission is now analysing all the responses submitted during the first and secondary consultation stages. We will produce a report deciding whether our proposals should change based on the feedback we received. Alongside this report, we will publish all the written representations we received during the secondary consultation, as well as the transcripts from public hearings. If our proposals change, we will hold a further four-week written consultation on our revised proposals later this year.
The Commission’s initial proposals for constituencies are still available to view via an interactive map online at