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Annual Report 2019-20

Annual Report of the Boundary Commission for England, for the financial year 2019-20

Budget and expenditure 2019-20

18. The Commission agreed an initial budget of £103,560 with the sponsor
Department, which it considered would be necessary to deliver the basic functions of the Commission through the 2019/20 year. Two tables are set out below. The first provides a quarterly profile of the planned and actual staffing levels of the Secretariat during the financial year. The second compares the Commission’s actual expenditure during the year against the initial budget agreed with the Cabinet Office as sponsor Department. The Commission ultimately saw a slight overspend against budget of £4,052.

Staff complement (Full Time Equivalent)

GradeApr-Jun 2019 PlanApr-Jun 2019 ActualJul-Sep 2019 PlanJul-Sep 2019 ActualOct-Dec 2019 PlanOct-Dec 2019 ActualJan-Mar 2020 PlanJan-Mar 2020 Actual
Band A0.
Band B211111111
Band B100000000
Band C00000000
Temp staff00000000
Figures shown represent the position as at the end of the relevant financial quarter.


2019-20 Budget and expenditure by subhead (figures supplied by Cabinet Office)

Budget componentBudget 2019-20 (£)Expenditure (£)*Variance (£)
Pay and related costs85,56098,357-12,797
Travel and susbsistence costs600937-337
Accommodation costs1,000886114
IT and equipment costs10,0006,3503,650
Personnel related costs000
Other professional services000
Marketing and media000
Other goods and services5,4003055,095
Training and development1,000838162
Miscellaneous expenditure01,628-1,628
*Rounded up or down to the nearest pound
**Rounded to nearest pound from total derived from detailed (not rounded) component expenditure and variance figures.


Monitoring expenditure

19. The Secretariat maintained information that recorded by date, topic, subhead, and component, every item of expenditure. Each month, the Secretariat met with officials from the Cabinet Office central finance team, in order to confirm monthly expenditure and to provide accurate financial reports, to profile expenditure for the financial year, confirm quarterly expenditure, and report on potential under-spends or over-spends.

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